Selasa, 3 April 2012

~ apple day finally done.


yesza peeps. Apple Day finally done. everything is really coolio with their red shirt and their red kurung. just believe or not, all the ASPerians batch 7 wear red attire today and it is really awesome.


keseluruhan, epal ada 1800 biji and memang banyak gilak weh! epal ni ditempah sendiri oleh pelajar-pelajar asper untuk diberi kepada rakan mereka. so, there's an apple and also a card to give to your friend. 

it's kinda Valentine la. just for Valentine, you give it to your lovey dovey pakwe makwe, and you give them chocolate. but for this lovely Apple Day, korang beli epal, and also kat epal, ada card which is korang boleh merapu dan meraban apa-apa jak masa nak bagi kat kawan. 

cuma, Apple Day ini bukanlah untuk pakwe kepada makwe, and also, bukan makwe kepada pakwe. this is an opportunity kepada kau untuk apple-ciate *not appreciate, new word, tehee* kepada kau punya lecturer, kau punya friends, kau punya skandal, *if you have*

but, an apple just a simbolic. bagi aku, bila kau dapat kad, it is more meaningful. rasa terharu gilak weh bila baca kad yang aku dapat. truly rasa terharu.

damn hurt *kesat mata kejap*

this is our emcee. he is really good. :) ooo, actually, our dearest Faris Jaafar rasa down gila dengan cara dia present as a emcee tadi. but kamon Faris, believe me, kau seorang emcee yang bagus. tadi, mungkin masalah speaker not yours. pfft, 

me with a bunch of apple. err, should we call a lot of Apple?

this is currently our Apple Girl and Apple Boy which is setiap kuliah akan ada wakilnya sendiri. this Apple Boy and Apple Girl will spread the apple to their classmates itself. senang cerita, diorang ni macam Santa Claus la. bwahahaha

semua pakai baju merah. senang cerita. GELOMBANG MERAH!!

this is Haiza Kah Oi Yuan. my friend kat UPM yang sangat kepohchi. #okbai. *aku pasti bila dia baca, dia tweet aku dengan ayat konos*

aku bersama AJK Pelaksana Apple Day. they are great! sangat coolio. right now, Haidhar and Acap takde dalam bilik sebab postmortem Apple Day.

overall, semua well dengan sangat ohsem. aku harap, batch 8 which is our batch lepas ni mampu buat seperti ini.

this is Apple-ciation.

your appreciation to your lecturer.

your appreciation to your friend.

your appreciation to your best friend.

your appreciation to your enemy. *emm, maybe not*

your appreciation to your EX.

this is the day when you spread your love. this is not a Valentine 14th February each year that you celebrate. this is just an Apple Day. Apple Day from ASPer. from heart. 

from heart to all of you. 

kiddo! have a nice day ahead. thanks for reading. assalamualaikum dan selamat malam semua.


be tour guide and promo UPM for a school that will come to UPM.

bilik aku sekarang memekak sebab semua gigih main game!

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