this video was home made by somenone that I know. i'm totally shock with that video even this video not kind like Anwar Hadi yang mahsyur itu ataupun Mathlutfi yang digilai ramai itu.
apa2 pun, best of luck to the homemaker of the video. truly speakin, I'm totally impress with the creativity that had shown by the person who made it. hands down weh!~~
apa2 pun, enjoy!
and waitin for the next video from Izzat. seriously, this video have it's own value and for sure la it's lack of powerness because he is amateur.

we trust on you to be like those people!! i mean like Anwar Hadi or Maria Elena Zarul even Mathlutfi. but don't act like them and just be yourself! heh. Nazrul ni suka2 dia je nak bagi nasihat.
good luck with this new career and keep it up bro! i think only that for right now. till we meet again and daa peeps. goodnight.
saja2 je cakap english sebab nak berlatih untuk MUET. sila abaikan kesalahan tatabahasa dalam ayat di atas. #sekian.
saya suka video anda!!
4 ulasan:
suka jugak.. hihi
@mizi ~ best kan??
@cik ~ haha. apa kena mengena dengan haus??
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