Isnin, 24 Januari 2011

~kita bersujud sebentar.

p/s have a nice day everyone. may allah bless us. wink wink can check it out all my story kat bahagian LABEL and choose as what u wish.


seperti yang aku mention semalam, hari ni aku nak buat entry about Wallpaper of Life and Public Figure but look what time is it right now! already 7.30 pm. hee. so, we know our responsible to Allah as a muslim. heya. it's solat maghrib ok. *aku belum solat maghrib lagi sebab kecoh nak buat entry ni. sob sob sob*

siapa yang tak tahu solat maghrib?! angkat tangan! k,k! cukup, berbau keti** korang. haha. tak mandi lagi ye ni. aku rasa, each of muslim know how to solat maghrib right? each family members mesti ada belajar di sekolah agama or ayah & emak yang tolong ajarkan tentang solat ini.

k, i know this post kind like islamic way, but ! heya, we can talk about Islam everywhere ok. we can use our blog as a our medium to show how Islam is so awesome and coolio enough. siapa yang cakap islam itu membawa keganasan? meh aku lempang lelaju. 

opps! haha, George W Bush dah pernah kena baling kasut oleh seorang wartawan. aku tengok video tu kat youtube and it's so sad when that shoes tak kena kat muka George. oh! I want to see more.

k, stop merapu. hehe. aku bukanlah ustaz yang boleh talk about agama sesuka hati sebab aku bukanlah sesuci as what other people thinking.

"oh, tu la Nazrul, budak baik kat sekolah."

"ala, Nazrul yang selau tolong itu ini."

and seterusnya bla bla bla.

heya! i'm not  that kind and trust me. i'm more evil and cruel more than you can thinking about me. lalala, but aku suka je talk about Islam bila aku rasa aku nak talk. tak salah kan? yap, aku tak rasa aku salah. and believe in yourself that each of U can talk about Islam and why don't sometimes kita selitkan juga tentang agama in our entry right?

"ecece, macam Nazrul ni buat la pulak!"

haha, yeah! i admit that I didn't do it as much I talk about it. but i'll try to selitkan about our religion in my entry. hee, k, stop about it and I want solat maghrib first and read love letter from Allah.

may allah bless us!

2 ulasan:

trialtodelete berkata...


Nazrul Ashraff berkata...

@ rizal ~ hehe..when my good side in my body start babbling..lalala


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