heya guys. pagi ahad yang indah. sekarang layan lagu Train -hey! Soul Sister- like this song very mucho2.
k, stop about that, straight to the topic.
ET by Katy Perry.
kenal ET? ha-ha. don't bagi tahu la,
"eh? ET tu bukan Alien ke?"
haha. kadang2 people always say, ET tu nama lain bagi Alien. urgh? paper je la. ET is a song that singing by Katy Perry. Kenal Katy Perry?
tak kenal?
ke kenal?
ke tak kenal?
ke memang kenal gila-gila.
katy Perry is hot. congrate to Russel Brand la bila dapat kahwin dengan dia. hee.
aku kenal Katy Perry dengan lagu Hot N Cold masa mula-mula. then I Kissed A Girl. and lagu yang paling aku suka is Thinking Of You. perfect song and perfect clip video. pewiitt!!
like it.
and now, Katy Perry with a new song.
::: ET :::
antara lagu Katy Perry yang hot
-Hot N Cold-
-I Kissed A Girl-
-Thinking Of You-
-Teenage Dream-
-starstruck- *feat 30H!3*
-calirfonia girls- *feat with snoop dogg*
2 ulasan:
peminat katy perry plak.hehee
@naz ~ her!! hehe
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