Ahad, 8 Ogos 2010

~ page 44

“ aku takut kau tak percaya je.” Kata Lily perlahan.

“ the mechanism of blood clotting involves a series of chemical reactions initiated by the platelates and leads to the formation of a blood clot. When the blood vessel is damaged or injured,platelates gather and clump together at the site of damaged blood vessels.” Kata cikgu Lelina Julia kepada seisi kelas.

“ laa, belum bagi tahu, macam tahu-tahu je aku react macam mana nanti. Shoot. Which boy? Ariq the gorgeous boy?” teka Tina tersenyum. “ or Thakif the teen model?” teka Tina lagi. Dia tersenyum.

“ emm, dua-dua bukan.” Lily tersenyum misteri.

“ dah tu? Siapa lagi?”

“ Umair.” Jawab Lily perlahan.

“ what !” tina berbisik kuat.

“ this agglutinated platelets releasean enzyme called thrombokinase. Thrombokinase will then convert the inactive prothrombin to the active thrombin in the presence of calcium ions.” Tambah cikgu Lelina Julia.

“ kau gila ke apa?!” bisik Tina kuat. “ orang lain takde ke?” tanya Tina tak percaya.

“ tina ! hold on.” Bisik Lily kuat untuk memintas Tina yang galak menceceh. “ ake dengan dia takde pape ok. Just hang out together.” Balas Lily bersahaja.

“ hang out together?” tina merenung tidak percaya ke arah Lily. “ or date tanpa kau sedari.” Sindir Tina. “ lil, remember. He’s our enemy.” Hasut Tina.

“ aku tahu.” Bisik Lily perlahan.

“ then what? Aku takut kau ..”

“ what? Jatuh cinta?” Lily tergelak. “lagi gila fikir pasal cinta.” Habis petang tadi dekat kenny perangai kau pelik semacam kenapa Lily? Hatinya mula bertingkah.

“ just to make sure. After form 5 is ok. Tapi sekarang tak boleh. War is war.” Kata Tina. “ remember.”

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